Zook, a book for the Zig programming language

This book is intended to be a gentle introduction to the Zig programming language.

What is Zig?

Quoting from the official website -

Zig is a general-purpose programming language and toolchain for maintaining robust, optimal and reusable software.

Some of its features are -

  • No hidden control flow
  • No hidden memory allocations
  • No preprocessor, no macros

It takes a novel approach to compile time metaprogramming through comptime which allows us write code that runs at compile time in virtually the same way as regular code.

It also acts toolchain for compiling C/C++ projects. The Zig executable allows us to compile existing codebases without changing anything.


© Crispy Strawberry. All rights reserved.
No part of this book may be copied in any format without written permission of the author.

All code samples taken from other projects are owned by their respective copyright owners.
The code samples owned by me in this book are licensed under CC0 1.0 Universal license.


All the credit goes to me and myself.

Personal Notes

According to someone, zook means arse in morrocan. I have not independently verified this claim but left it as an exercise to the reader.


This page shows how to install the Zig language and have an environment which allows you to easily experiment.


  1. Go to the download page

  2. Scroll down to the Linux section inside master

  3. Download the binary for your computer architecture. For example, if you have a x86-64 CPU, download the file named zig-linux-x86_64-[version].tar.xz

  4. Extract it and put it in a suitable place.

  5. Add it to PATH

  6. Open a terminal. Run zig zen If you get something like

* Communicate intent precisely.
 * Edge cases matter.
 * Favor reading code over writing code.
 * Only one obvious way to do things.
 * Runtime crashes are better than bugs.
 * Compile errors are better than runtime crashes.
 * Incremental improvements.

Congratulations 😀. You have successfully installed zig 🎉🎉. Now go to the section to create a zig project.


  1. Go to the download page

  2. Scroll down to the Windows section inside master

  3. Download the binary for your computer architecture. For example, if you have a x86-64 CPU, download the file named zig-windows-x86_64-[version].zip

  4. Extract it and put it in a suitable place.

  5. Add it to PATH

  6. Open a terminal. Run zig zen If you get something like

* Communicate intent precisely.
 * Edge cases matter.
 * Favor reading code over writing code.
 * Only one obvious way to do things.
 * Runtime crashes are better than bugs.
 * Compile errors are better than runtime crashes.
 * Incremental improvements.

Congratulations 😀. You have successfully installed zig 🎉🎉. Now go to the next section to create a zig project.


  1. Go to the download page

  2. Scroll down to the macOS section inside master

  3. Download the binary for your computer architecture. For example, if you have an Apple Silicon, download the file named zig-macos-aarch64-[version].tar.xz

  4. Extract it and put it in a suitable place.

  5. Add it to PATH

  6. Open a terminal. Run zig zen If you get something like

* Communicate intent precisely.
 * Edge cases matter.
 * Favor reading code over writing code.
 * Only one obvious way to do things.
 * Runtime crashes are better than bugs.
 * Compile errors are better than runtime crashes.
 * Incremental improvements.

Congratulations 😀. You have successfully installed zig 🎉🎉. Now go to the next section to create a zig project.

Basic Zig Project

Now that you have got zig up and running, it's time to start a basic project in zig.

  1. Create a new directory where you want to put the new project.

    mkdir my-zig-project && cd my-zig-project
  2. Initialize a zig project in the current directory

    zig init-exe

    If you see something like

    info: Created build.zig
    info: Created src\main.zig
    info: Next, try `zig build --help` or `zig build run`

    then you have successfuly created a zig project. If not, then go through the installation section to check if you made any mistakes.

  3. Open the folder in a text editor.
    You should see a folder called src. This is where source code of your project lives.

    const std = @import("std");
    pub fn main() !void {
        // Prints to stderr (it's a shortcut based on `std.io.getStdErr()`)
        std.debug.print("All your {s} are belong to us.\n", .{"codebase"});
        // stdout is for the actual output of your application, for example if you
        // are implementing gzip, then only the compressed bytes should be sent to
        // stdout, not any debugging messages.
        const stdout_file = std.io.getStdOut().writer();
        var bw = std.io.bufferedWriter(stdout_file);
        const stdout = bw.writer();
        try stdout.print("Run `zig build test` to run the tests.\n", .{});
        try bw.flush(); // don't forget to flush!
    test "simple test" {
        var list = std.ArrayList(i32).init(std.testing.allocator);
        defer list.deinit(); // try commenting this out and see if zig detects the memory leak!
        try list.append(42);
        try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(i32, 42), list.pop());

    For now, remove everything from test "simple test" { Now, lets go step by step throught the file.


  1. The first line in main.zig is

    fn main() {
    const std = @import("std");

    const is used to declare constant named std.
    @import("std") tells the zig compiler that we want to import the The Zig Standard Library is needed for things like printing to stdout, opening files, networking etc.

  2.  pub fn main() void {} 

    is used to declare a function.
    The fn keyword declares a function and main is the name of the function.
    The return type comes after main(). Here, the return type is void. void basicaly means we don't have anything to return.
    main is a special function that is excuted when the executable is run. It is the entry point of the executable.


What are variables?

They can be said to be places in memory where the data of your program is stored.

Variables in Zig

In Zig, variables are declared using the const or var keywords.


Variables whose value cannot change are declared using the const keyword.
They are immutable.

pub fn main() void {
    const age = 23;
    // Just ignore this for now
    _ = age;

If you try reassigning a const variable, the zig compiler will throw an error.

pub fn main() void {
    const year = 2023;

    year = 2023;
//  ^^^^ This will fail as you try to change the value of a constant


Variables whose value can change are declared using the var keyword. The are mutable and their value can change.

pub fn main() void {
    // Here, we specify the data type of the year
    var year: i32 = 2023;

    year = 2024;
//  ^^^^ year is a var, so its value can change.


By default, zig throws an error if a variable is declared but it is not used. That is why we used _ = age in the first example as we don't use it.

All variables have a data type. It can be explicitly set by adding : <datatype> after the variable name.

pub fn main() {
    const x: u32 = 45;
//  ^^^^^^^^^^^^ x is constant which type is 
//  an unsigned integer whose size is 32 bits.